La Zone
La Zone - Un peu de brute dans un monde de finesse
Publication de textes sombres, débiles, violents.

Branlette de mots

Démarré par ventoline, Mai 01, 2005, 00:20:12

« précédent - suivant »


Taupique dédié aux citations et extraits littéraires, vomitifs de préférence.

Musique, culture et handicap:


Tripes, issu du recueil Haunted.

Par Chuck Palahniuk (notamment connu pour Fight Club)



Prenez autant d'air que vous pouvez.

Cette histoire devrait durer à peu près aussi longtemps que vous pouvez retenir votre souffle, et continuer encore un peu. Alors lisez aussi vite que possible.

Quand il avait 13 ans, un ami à moi entendit parler du "pegging". C'est quand un mec se fait mettre un gode dans le fion. La rumeur dit que si vous stimulez la prostate assez fort, vous pouvez avoir des orgasmes explosifs sans les mains. A cet age la, ce pote était un petit maniaque sexuel. Il cherchait toujours une meilleure façon de cracher son jus. Il sort donc s'acheter une carotte et de la vaseline. Pour mener une petite expérience privée. Ensuite, il réalise le tableau que ça va donner à la caisse, cette carotte avec un pot de vaseline en train d'avancer sur le tapis roulant. Tous les clients de la queue en train de le fixer. Tous témoins de la grande soirée qu'il se prépare.

Alors, mon pote, il achète du lait, des œufs, du sucre et une carotte, tous les ingrédients pour un gâteau à la carotte. Et de la vaseline.

Comme s'il rentrait chez lui se mettre un gâteau à la carotte dans le cul.

A la maison, il taille la carotte avec un couteau. Il la badigeonne de lubrifiant et se la carre dans le trou de balle. Et là, rien. Pas d'orgasme. Rien ne se passe, sauf que ça fait mal.

Ensuite, ce gosse, sa mère lui crie que c'est l'heure de dîner. Elle lui dit de descendre, tout de suite.

Il retire la carotte et cache la chose immonde et visqueuse dans le linge sale sous son lit.

Apres dîner, il va chercher la carotte. Et elle n'est plus la. Pendant qu'il mangeait, sa mère est venue ramasser toutes ses fringues sales pour faire une machine. Impossible qu'elle n'ait pas trouvé la carotte, soigneusement taillée avec un de ses couteaux de cuisine, encore luisante et nauséabonde.

Ce pote à moi, il reste des mois sous un gros nuage noir et menaçant, attendant que ses parents lui en parlent. Et ils ne le font jamais. Jamais. Même maintenant qu'il est adulte, cette carotte invisible est suspendue au dessus de chaque repas de Noël, chaque anniversaire. A la moindre réunion de famille, cette carotte fantôme flotte au dessus de leurs têtes.

Cette chose trop horrible pour être mentionnée.

En France ils ont une expression: "avoir l'esprit d'escalier." C'est quand vous trouvez quelque chose à dire, mais trop tard. Par exemple vous êtes dans une soirée et quelqu'un vous insulte. Vous devez dire quelque chose. Mais sous la pression, avec tous les regards dans votre direction, vous sortez une réplique minable. Et au moment ou vous quittez la soirée...

Vous commencez à descendre l'escalier, et comme par magie, vous trouvez la phrase parfaite. La répartie de la mort.

C'est l'esprit d'escalier.

Le problème, c'est que même les français n'ont pas d'expression pour les trucs stupides qu'on dit justement sous la pression. Ces trucs ridicules et désespérés qu'on dit, ou qu'on fait.

Certains actes sont trop pitoyables pour mériter ne serait ce qu'un nom. Trop minables meme pour qu'on en parle.

Avec du recul, les experts en psychologie infantile et les conseillers scolaires disent aujourd'hui que la plupart des suicides d'adolescents sont en fait dus à des gosses qui essaient de s'étouffer pendant qu'ils se branlent. Leurs parents les retrouvent avec une serviette nouée autour du cou, attachés à la penderie de leur chambre, morts. Du sperme mort de partout. Bien sur, les parents nettoient. Ils mettent un pantalon à leur gosse. Ils essaient de rendre ça plus...présentable. Ou du moins intentionnel. La configuration classique d'un triste suicide d'adolescent.

Un autre pote à moi, un gamin de l'école, son grand frère qui est dans la marine lui avait expliqué comment les mecs du moyen orient se branlent différemment de chez nous. Ce frère était affecté dans un pays à chameaux ou on pouvait trouver une sorte d'ouvre-lettre fantaisie sur les marchés. L'objet en question était juste une fine baguette en laiton ou en argent poli, peut être aussi longue que votre main, avec un gros bout a une des extrémités, comme une grosse boule en métal ou un manche décoré façon sabre. Ce frère marin donc lui avait expliqué comment les arabes s'insèrent cette tige de métal dans toute la longueur de la bite. Ils éjaculent avec la tige à l'intérieur, et ça rend le truc encore meilleur. Plus intense.

C'est ce grand frère qui voyage autour du monde, et qui envoie des expressions françaises. Des expressions russes. Des astuces de branlette.

Apres ça, un jour, le gosse ne se présente pas à l'école. Il m'appelle le soir même, et me demande de lui noter les devoirs à faire pour les deux prochaines semaines. Parce qu'il est à l'hôpital

Il doit partager une chambre avec des vieux qui souffrent des intestins. Il dit qu'ils doivent tous partager la même télévision. La seule forme d'intimité qu'il a c'est un rideau. Ses parents ne viennent pas le voir. Au téléphone il me dit qu'à ce moment précis, ses parents voudraient d'ailleurs tuer son grand frère marin.

Au téléphone, le gosse raconte que le jour d'avant, il était juste un peu défoncé. Peinard dans sa chambre, il était affalé sur son lit. Il avait allumé une bougie et feuilletait de vieux magazines porno, prêt à se tirer sur le poireau. C'était après qu'il ait entendu l'histoire du grand frère. Cette astucieuse technique de branlette arabe. Le gosse cherche donc autour de lui quelque chose qui pourrait faire l'affaire. Un stylo bille ? Trop gros. Un crayon? Trop gros, et trop rugueux. Mais au pied de la bougie, il y a un morceau de cire fin et lisse qui pourrait fonctionner. Du bout du doigt, ce gosse arrache le long morceau de cire de la bougie. Il le fait rouler entre ses mains jusqu'a ce qu'il soit le plus long, le plus fin et le plus lisse possible.

Défoncé et excité a la fois, il le fait glisser de plus en plus profondément dans son urètre. Avec un bon morceau de cire toujours visible à l'extérieur, il se met au boulot.

A ce moment la, il se dit encore que les arabes sont vraiment malins. Ils ont totalement réinventé la branlette. Couché sur le dos, les choses se passent tellement bien que ce gosse ne s'occupe pas de savoir ce que devient la cire. Il est sur le point de lâcher la purée quand il s'aperçoit que l'extrémité visible de la tige a disparu.

La fine tige de cire a glissé à l'intérieur. Tout au fond. Si profond qu'il ne la sent même plus à l'intérieur de son urètre.

D'en bas, sa mère lui crie que c'est l'heure de dîner. Elle lui dit de descendre, tout de suite. Le gosse à la cire et le gosse à la carotte sont deux personnes différentes, mais on a tous à peu près la même vie.

C'est après dîner que les entrailles du gosse commencent à lui faire mal. Il s'était imaginé que la cire fondrait et qu'il finirait par la pisser. Maintenant son dos le fait souffrir. Ses reins. Il ne peut plus se tenir debout.

Comme le gosse téléphone depuis son lit d'hôpital, derrière lui on entend des sonnettes tinter, des gens crier. Et des jeux télé.

Les rayons X montrent la vérité crue, quelque chose de long et fin plié en deux dans sa vessie. Ce V long et fin a l'intérieur de lui collecte tous les minéraux dans son urine. Il grossit et devient rugueux, couvert de cristaux de calcium. Il se déplace et abîme la fine surface de sa vessie, empêchant sa pisse de sortir. Ses reins sont saturés. Le peu de choses qui parvient à filtrer de sa queue est rouge sang.

Le gosse est là avec toute sa famille qui regarde les radios aux cotés du docteur et des infirmières, avec ce V phosphorescent qui semble les narguer, et il doit leur dire la vérité. La façon dont les arabes se branlent. Ce que son grand frère marin lui a raconté.

Au téléphone, à ce moment précis, il se met à pleurer.

Ils ont payé l'opération de sa vessie avec l'argent de ses études. Une erreur stupide, et maintenant il ne deviendrait jamais avocat.

S'enfoncer quelque chose à l'intérieur. S'enfoncer à l'intérieur de quelque chose. Une bougie dans la bite ou la tête dans un noeud coulant, on savait que ça finirait mal.

Ce qui a mal fini pour moi, je l'appelle la "chasse au perles". Ca veut dire se branler sous l'eau, assis au fond de la piscine de mes parents. Je prenais une grande inspiration, j'allais me caler au fond de l'eau et j'enlevais mon maillot. Je restais assis la pendant deux, trois, voire quatre minutes.

Rien qu'avec la masturbation, j'avais développé une grande capacité pulmonaire. Si j'étais seul à la maison, je le faisais toute l'après midi. Quand j'avais balancé la sauce, mon sperme restait la, suspendu en grosses gouttes laiteuses.

Ensuite je plongeais a nouveau, pour tout récupérer. Puis je balançais le fruit de ma collecte sur une serviette. C'est pour ça que ça s'appelait la "chasse aux perles". Même avec le chlore, il fallait que je pense à ma soeur. Ou, encore pire, à ma mère.

A l'époque, c'était ma peur la plus terrible: j'imaginais ma sœur adolescente et vierge croire qu'elle prenait juste du poids, avant de donner naissance à un bébé débile a deux têtes. Chacune des têtes me ressemblant à moi, le père ET l'oncle.

A la fin, ce n'est jamais ce que vous craignez qui vous arrive.

La meilleure partie de la chasse aux perles, c'était le trou d'évacuation pour la pompe de la piscine. Oui, la meilleure partie, c'était se foutre a poil et s'asseoir dessus

Comme diraient les français: Qui n'aime pas se faire sucer le cul?

L'espace d'un instant, vous êtes juste un gamin qui se branle, et le moment d'après, vous ne deviendrez jamais avocat.

L'espace d'un instant, je m'installe au fond de la piscine, et le ciel bleu clair ondule au dessus de ma tête à travers 4 mètres d'eau. Excepté les battements de mon coeur, le monde est silencieux. Mon maillot à rayures jaunes est autour de mon cou, par mesure de sécurité, au cas ou un ami, un voisin, ou n'importe qui d'autre viendrait me demander pourquoi j'ai raté l'entraînement de foot aujourd'hui. La succion régulière du drain me lape et je frotte mon cul maigrelet pour amplifier la sensation.

L'espace d'un instant, la bite en main, j'ai assez d'air. Mes parents sont au boulot et ma soeur a cours de danse. Personne ne sera de retour avant des heures.

Ma main s'active presque jusqu'au point de non retour, et j'arrête. Je remonte a la surface prendre une grande bouffée d'air. Puis je replonge et me cale au fond.

Je fais ça encore et encore.

C'est sûrement pour ça que les filles veulent s'asseoir sur votre visage. Cette succion donne l'impression de chier à l'infini. En train de me faire bouffer le cul avec la queue dressée, je n'ai pas besoin d'air. Les battements de mon coeur dans les oreilles, je reste sous l'eau jusqu'a ce que des petite étoiles commencent a fourmiller autour de mes yeux. Mes jambes étendues au maximum, le dessous de mes genoux est plaqué au béton. Mes orteils deviennent bleus, et mes doigts commencent à se friper à force de rester dans l'eau.

Et puis d'un coup je laisse venir. Les grosses goutte blanches se mettent a jaillir. Les perles.

C'est la que j'ai besoin d'air. Mais quand j'essaie de prendre appui sur le fond pour remonter, je n'y arrive pas. Je ne peux pas mettre mes pieds sous moi. Mon cul est collé.

Les services d'urgence vous diront que chaque année, environ 150 personnes restent collées de cette façon, aspirées par un drain d'évacuation. Laissez vos cheveux se faire prendre, où votre cul, et vous êtes bon pour la noyade. Chaque année, des tonnes de personnes le font. La plupart en Floride.

Les gens ne parlent jamais de ça. Même les français ne parlent pas de TOUT.

Je lève un genou, je replie un pied, j'arrive à me mettre à moitié debout quand je sens la traction contre mon cul. Je replie mon autre pied et j'essaie de prendre appui contre le fond en donnant des coups. Je réussis à me libérer, mais si je ne touche plus le béton, je n'arrive pas pour autant à la surface.

Je bats des bras et des jambes comme un malade, je suis peut être a mi chemin de la surface mais pas moyen d'aller plus haut. Dans ma tête, les battements de coeur se font de plus en plus violents, de plus en plus rapides.

Des petites étoiles lumineuses plein mon champ de vision, je me retourne et regarde... mais quelque chose n'est pas normal. Du trou d'évacuation sort une fine corde, comme une sorte de serpent blanc-bleu zébré de veines, et elle s'accroche à mon cul. Certaines veines perdent du sang, un sang qui parait noir sous l'eau et qui vient de petites déchirures dans la peau blanchâtre du serpent. Le sang s'écoule doucement, disparaît dans l'eau, et sous la fine peau blanc-bleu du serpent on peut voir des morceaux de nourriture à moitié digérés.

C'est la seule explication possible. Un horrible monstre marin, un serpent de mer, quelque chose qui n'avait jamais vu la lumière du jour s'était caché la, dans les abysses du trou d'évacuation, attendant de pouvoir me manger.

Alors, je lui fous des coups de pieds, dans sa peau veineuse, glissante et caoutchouteuse, et on dirait qu'il en sort d'avantage du drain. C'est peut être aussi long que ma jambe maintenant, mais ça s'accroche toujours aussi fermement à mon trou du cul. Avec un autre battement de pied, je gagne trois centimètres vers l'oxygène. Toujours retenu par le serpent, je suis 3 centimètres plus près de mon évasion.

A l'intérieur du serpent, on peut voir du maïs et des cacahuètes. On peut voir une petite bille orange-clair. C'est le genre de vitamines pour cheval que mon père me donne pour me faire prendre du poids. Pour que je rentre dans l'équipe de l'école. Riches en fer et en acides oméga 3 bien gras.

C'est voir cette pilule de vitamines qui me sauve la vie.

Ce n'est pas un serpent. C'est mon gros intestin, mon colon qui s'arrache littéralement. Ce que les docteurs appellent un prolapsus. C'est mes tripes aspirées dans le drain.

Les services d'urgence vous diront qu'une pompe de piscine filtre 250 litres d'eau à chaque minute. Ça fait environ 200 kg de pression. Le gros problème c'est que dans votre corps, tout est connecté. Votre cul n'est jamais que l'autre extrémité de votre bouche. Si je me laisse aller, la pompe déroulera mes entrailles jusqu'a ce qu'elle ait ma langue. Imaginez vous en train de lâcher une pêche de 200kg, et vous aurez une idée de la sensation.

Ce que je peux vous dire, c'est que vos tripes ne ressentent pas trop la douleur. Pas comme votre peau la ressent. Ce que vous digérez, les docteurs l'appellent matière fécale. Au dessus c'est le chyme, des poches de liquide dégueulasse farcies de maïs, de cacahuètes et de petit pois.

C'est toute cette soupe composée de sang, de maïs, de merde, de sperme et de cacahuètes qui flotte autour de moi. Même avec les tripes en train de me sortir du cul, la première chose que je veux faire est de remettre mon maillot.

Pas question que mes parents voient ma bite.

D'une main je retiens mes intestins, et de l'autre j'essaie donc de récupérer le maillot à rayures jaunes autour de mon cou. Mais pas moyen de rentrer dedans.

Si vous voulez savoir ce que ça fait de toucher vos entrailles, allez acheter une boite de ces capotes en peau d'agneau. Prenez en une et déroulez la. Remplissez la de beurre de cacahuète. Enduisez la de vaseline et tenez la sous l'eau. Ensuite, essayez de la déchirer. Essayez de la plier en deux. C'est trop dur, trop caoutchouteux. C'est tellement visqueux qu'on ne peut pas la garder en main.

Une capote en peau de mouton, c'est du bon vieil intestin.

Vous comprenez ce que je dois endurer.

Vous vous relâchez une seconde, et vous êtes étripé.

Vous nagez vers la surface, pour respirer, et vous êtes étripé.

Vous ne nagez pas, et vous vous noyez.

C'est un choix entre mourir tout de suite ou mourir dans une minute.

Ce que mes parents vont trouver en revenant du boulot, c'est un gros fétus nu et recroquevillé sur lui même. En train de flotter dans l'eau trouble de leur piscine. Attaché au fond par une fine corde de veines et de tripes mêlées. L'exact opposé d'un gosse pendu à cause d'un accident de branlette. C'est le bébé qu'ils ont ramené de l'hôpital voila 13 ans. Voila le gosse qu'ils espéraient voir devenir footballeur et diplômé. Un gosse qui s'occuperait d'eux dans leurs vieux jours. Voila tous leurs espoirs et tous leurs rêves. En train de flotter, nu et mort. De grosses perles laiteuses de sperme gâché tout autour de lui.

Ou alors peut être qu'ils me trouveront enroulé dans une serviette sanglante, gisant à mi chemin du téléphone de la cuisine, les tripes déchirées encore pendantes de mon maillot à rayures jaunes.

Même les français ne parlent pas de ça.

Ce grand frère dans la marine, il nous avait appris une autre expression sympa. Une expression russe. De la même façon qu'on dit "j'ai autant besoin de ça que d'un trou dans la tête", les russes disent "j'ai autant besoin de ça que de dents au trou du cul".

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.

On dit que certains animaux pris dans des pièges se rongent la patte, et n'importe quel coyote vous dira que quelques morsures peuvent vous sauver la mise

Putain... même si vous êtes russe, un jour vous pourriez vraiment avoir besoin de ces dents.

Autrement, ce que vous devez faire, c'est vous plier en deux. Vous passez un coude sous votre genou, et vous tirez la jambe vers votre tête. Puis vous rongez votre propre cul. Vous manquez d'air, et vous seriez prêt à mordre n'importe quoi pour respirer encore une fois.

C'est pas le genre de truc qu'on raconte a une fille pour un premier rendez vous. Pas si on veut avoir un bisou.

Si je vous disais le goût que ça avait, vous ne mangeriez jamais plus de calamar.

Je ne sais pas ce qui a le plus dégoûté mes parents: comment je me suis mis dans le pétrin, ou comment je m'en suis sorti. Apres l'hôpital, ma mère m'a dit: "Tu ne savais pas ce que tu faisais mon chéri. Tu étais en état de choc." Puis elle a appri à faire des oeufs pochés.

Tous ces gens dégoûtés ou qui se sentent désolés pour moi...

J'ai autant besoin de ça que de dents au trou du cul.

Aujourd'hui, on me dit toujours que je suis trop maigre. Dans les repas, les gens font la gueule quand je ne mange pas le rôti qu'ils ont préparé. Mais le rôti me tue. Le jambon aussi. Tout ce qui reste dans mes intestins plus de quelques heures ressort intact. Haricots verts ou thon en morceaux, je les retrouverais toujours tels quels dans les toilettes.

Apres une sérieuse réduction des boyaux, on ne digère plus la viande aussi bien. La plupart d'entre vous a environ 2 mètres de gros intestin. J'ai de la chance d'avoir mes 13 centimetres. Alors je n'ai jamais été pris dans l'équipe de foot. Je n'ai pas été reçu dans une grande école. Mes deux potes, le gosse a la carotte et le gosse a la cire, ils ont grandi, ils ont pris du poids, mais moi je n'ai jamais pesé un gramme de plus que quand j'avais 13 ans.

Un autre gros problème c'est que mes parents ont dépensé pas mal d'argent pour cette piscine. A la fin, mon père a dit au réparateur que c'était un chien. Le chien de la famille était tombé et il s'était noyé. Le cadavre s'était fait aspirer par la pompe. Même quand le réparateur a ouvert le filtre et qu'il y a trouvé un morceau d'intestin avec une pilule de vitamine orange encore à l'intérieur, mon père a juste dit : "Ce chien était barge".

Depuis la fenêtre de ma chambre, on pouvait entendre mon père dire : "On a jamais pu laisser ce chien seul plus d'une seconde".

Puis ma soeur a eu du retard dans ses règles.

Même après avoir changé l'eau de la piscine, même après avoir vendu la maison et déménagé dans un autre état, et même après l'avortement de ma soeur, mes parents n'ont jamais plus mentionné cette histoire.


C'est notre carotte invisible.

Vous. Maintenant, vous pouvez respirer un grand coup.

Je ne l'ai toujours pas fait.

Musique, culture et handicap:


J'ai adoré, ça prend aux tripes !
J'aurai bien expliqué en détails tout ça, mais j'ai vraiment envie de chier là.
L'amour c'est fort, l'envie de chier c'est pire...


Rien lu, rien à foutre, suis bourré
L'éternité c'est long, surtout vers la fin


Remarque moi aussi, mais je reste poli.
Musique, culture et handicap:


Allez hop bande de loutres, j'enchaine:

Crawl issu de l'album Clandestine d'Etombed.

La magie de l'internet multimédia fait que vous pourrez écouter ce morceau en lisant ses lyrics.


Father set me free from this altar of death
dead fingers cold as ice touches my flesh
as it passed through my soul and body
the fear I thought was gone grows
tears of regret and confusion
this is not what I wanted to know

I have embraced the truth
beyond lies where honesty reigns
I thought I gave my life
but back I was only given pain

I once stood at the threshold of my desire
losing ground now I'm this horrid truth's denier

The nocturnal hour is passed
here nothing can last
I sought and screamed in pain
but there was nothing to gain
Nihility arise from the bottom of no lies
from here to eternity I just can be set free

Father help me die away from reality
my arms and legs are bound
please grant me mortality

I'm losing it
crawling upon these white walls of truth
for the darkest cold I've wasted my entire youth
I'm crawling down
the dirt that I licked off my mind
the truth you'll never want to find
Musique, culture et handicap:


J'avais completement raté ce topic, au point d'en créer un autre avec la même nouvelle quand je l'ai lu, postée par Vento sur un autre forum. Terrible. Ce Palahniuk c'est un putain de génie, et je m'extasie pas facilement.
Trafiquant d'organes


Putain... C'est génial. Epouvantable, mais carrément génial...


pas encore lu, trop long pour mon cerveau embrumé, la caféine n'est pas montée.

par contre j'ai survolé le texte d'entombed, j'ai pas trouvé ça géant ; à vrai dire, ça sonne comme de l'entendu, du réentendu, surentendu.

Je préfère ma chanson à moi.
..Va voir Dans Ton Cul™ si j'y suis (connard).


Ouais, c'est pas extraordinaire, et encore moins original... Disons que tu prends une bonne moitié des chansons de métal, et tu as ce genre de thèmes... Et ce n'est pas particulièrement mieux écrit que la moyenne, d'ailleurs.


01) Once
         Time: 3:51
         Vedder, Gossard

I admit it. What's to say? Yeah.
I'll relive it without pain. Mmmm.
Back street lover on the side of the road.
I got a bomb in my temple that is gonna explode.
I got a sixteen gauge buried under my clothes. I play.

Once upon a time I could control myself.
Ooh, once upon a time I could lose myself. Yeah.

Oh, try and mimic what's insane. Ooh.
I am in it, where do I stand? (Stand, stand.)
Oh, Indian summer and I hate the heat.
I got a back street lover on the passenger seat.
I got my hand in my pocket, so determined, discreet. I pray.

Once upon a time I could control myself.
Ooh, once upon a time I could lose myself. Yeah waa.

You think I got my eyes closed but I've been looking at you the whole fucking time.

Ooh, once upon a time I could control myself. Yeah.
Once upon a time I could lose myself. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Once upon a time I could love myself. Yeah.
Once upon a time I could love you. Yeah, yeah.
Once... (x4)
Yeah. Once... Once, yeah... Yeah.
Yeah... Yeah, yeah... Yeah, yeah... Oww...

02) Even Flow
         Time: 4:53
         Vedder, Gossard

Freezing. Rests his head on a pillow made of concrete. Again.
Oh, Feeling maybe he'll see a little better set a days. Ooh yeah.
Oh, hand out faces that he sees time again ain't that familiar. Ooh yeah.
Oh, dark grin. He can't help when his happy looks insane. Ooh.

Even flow. Thoughts arrive like butterflies.
Oh, he don't know so he chases them away-yeah. Ooh.
Oh, someday yet he'll begin his life again.
Life again. Life again.

Kneeling. Looking through the paper though he doesn't know to read. Ooh yeah.
Oh, praying now to something that has never showed him anything.
Oh, feeling understands the weather of the winters on its way.
Oh, ceilings few and far between all the legal halls of shame. Yeah.

Even flow. Thoughts arrive like butterflies.
Oh, he don't know so he chases them away.
Oh, someday yet he'll begin his life again.
Oh, whispering hands gently lead him away.
Him away. Him away.
Woo. Ah Yeah. Fuck your money.

Even flow. Thoughts arrive like butterflies.
Oh, he don't know so he chases them away.
A-someday yet he'll begin his life again. Yeah.
Oh, whispering hands gently lead him away.
Him away. Him away.
Woo. Uh huh yeah. Yeah yeah, momma mommy.

03) Alive
         Time: 5:41
         Vedder, Gossard

"Son," she said, "Have I got a little story for you.
What you thought was your daddy was nothing but a...
While you were sitting home alone at age thirteen your real daddy was dying.
Sorry you didn't see him but I'm glad we talked."

Oh, I... Oh, I'm still alive.
Hey, I... Oh, I'm still alive.
Hey, I... Oh, I'm still alive.
Hey, ooh.

Oh, she walks slowly across a young man's room.
She said, "I'm ready for you."
Why I can't remember anything to this very day?
'Cept the look. The look.
Oh, you know where. Now I can't see I just stare.

I... I'm still alive.
Hey I... But, I'm still alive.
Hey I... Boy, I'm still alive.
Hey I... Oh, I'm still alive. Yeah.
Ooh yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Oh. Ooh.

"Is something wrong?" She said. Of course there is.
"You're still alive." She said. Oh, and do I deserve to be?
Is that the question? And if so, if so, who answers? Who answers!

I... Oh, I'm still alive.
Hey I... Oh, I'm still alive.
Hey I... But, I'm still alive.
Yeah I... Ooh, I'm still alive.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Woh uh huhu. Yeah uh huhu. Ohh woh uh huhu. Yeah uh huhu. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

04) Why Go
         Time: 3:19
         Vedder, Ament

She scratches a letter into a wall made of stone.
Maybe someday another child won't feel as alone as she does.
It's been two years and counting since they put her in this place.
She's been diagnosed by some stupid fuck and mommy agrees. Yeah.
Whoa. Yeah. Hey yeah

Why go home? (x3)

She seems to be stronger but what they want her to be is weak.
She could play pretend. She could join the game, boy.
She could be another clone.
Ooh. Whoa. Ah yeah. Ooh.

Why go home? (x4)
What you taught me put me here. Don't come visit. Mother, sing me.

Woa ooh.
Why go home? (x4)
What you taught me put me here. Don't come visit. Mother, mother, yeah.
Why go home? (x7)

05) Black
         Time: 5:43
         Vedder, Gossard

Hey ooh.
Sheets of empty canvas.
Untouched sheets of clay were laid spread out before me as her body once did.
All five horizons revolved around her soul. As the earth to the sun.
Now the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turn.
Ooh, and all I taught her was everything.
Ooh, I know she gave me all that she wore.

And now my bitter hands shade beneath the clouds of what was everything.
All the pictures have all been washed in black. Tattooed every day.

I take a walk outside. I'm surrounded by some kids at play.
Oh, I can feel their laughter. Oh, so why do I sear?
Ooh, and twisted thoughts that spin around my head.
I'm spinning. Oh, I'm spinning.
How quick the sun can drop away.

And now my bitter hands cradle broken glass of what was everything.
All the pictures have all been washed in black. Tattooed everything.
All the love gone bad turned my world to black.
Tattooed all I see. All that I am. All I'll be. Yeah.

Uh huh... Uh huh... Ooh.
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life.
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky but why, why, why can't it be, oh, can't it be mine?
Oh... Ohh yeah oh.
Do do do do do do do (x20 total) Yeah... Yeah...
Hi. (x6)
Yeah. (x3)

06) Jeremy
         Time: 5:19
         Vedder, Ament

At home drawing pictures of mountain tops with him on top.
Lemon yellow sun. Arms raised in a V.
And the dead lay in pools of maroon below.

Daddy didn't give attention, oh, to the fact that mommy didn't care.
King Jeremy the wicked, oh, ruled his world.
Jeremy spoke in class today. (x2)

Clearly how I remember picking on the boy.
Seemed a harmless little fuck. Ooh, but we unleashed a lion.
Gnashed his teeth and bit the recess lady's breast.
How could I forget. And he hit me with a surprise left.
My jaw left hurting. Ooh, dropped wide open.
Just like the day, Oh, like the day I heard.

Daddy didn't give affection, no, and the boy was something mommy wouldn't wear.
King Jeremy the wicked, oh, ruled his world.
Jeremy spoke in class today. (x3)

Who? (x14)

Try to forget this. (try to forget this).
Try to erase this. (try to erase this).
From the blackboard.

Jeremy spoke in class today. (x2)
Jeremy spoke in, spoke in... (x2)
Jeremy spoke in class today.

Who? (x29)

Woohh... (spoke in, spoke in. Spoke in, spoke in.)
Woohh... (x2)
I... (x11) Yeah.
Uh huh. (x4)
Uh huh. (x10)

07) Oceans
         Time: 2:41
         Vedder, Gossard, Ament

Hold on to the thread. The currents will shift glide me towards [you].
[You] know something's left.
And we're all allowed to dream of the next, oh ohh, of the next time we touch.
Oooh. (x3)

You don't have to stray the oceans away.
Waves roll in my thoughts. Hold tight the ring.
The sea will rise please stand by the shore.
Oh. Oh. Oh I will be, I will be there once more.
Oooh. (x3)
Uh huh. Oh. (x2)

08) Porch
         Time: 3:30

What the fuck is this world running to?
You didn't leave a message at least I coulda' learned your voice one last time.
Daily minefield this could be my time by you.
Would you hit me? (x2)
Ohh. Whoa oww.

All the bills go by and initiatives are taken up.
By the middle. There ain't gonna be any middle any more.
And the cross I'm bearing home ain't indicative of my place.
Left the porch. (x2)

Oh. Hear my name. Take a good look. This could be the day.
Hold my hand. Walk beside me. I just need to say.

Uh huh. Uh huh yeah uh huh. Uh huh yeah uh huh.

Oh, hear my name. Take a good look. This could be the day.
Hold my hand. Lie beside me. I just need to say.
I could not take a-just one day I know when I would not ever touch you, hold you, feel you in my arms.
Never again.
Yeah. (x12)

09) Garden
         Time: 4:58
         Vedder, Gossard, Ament

She don't wander in here. Don't wander in here. She, she don't wander in here. Don't wander in here.

The direction of the eye. So misleading.
The defection of the soul. Nauseously quick.
I don't question our existence.
I just question our modern needs.

She don't wander in here. Don't wander in here. She, she don't wander in here.

I will walk with my hands bound. I will walk with my face blood.
I will walk with my shadow flag into your garden. Garden of stone. Yeah.

After all is done and we're still alone. I won't be taken.
Yet I'll go with my hands bound. I will walk with my face blood.
I will walk with my shadow flag into your garden. Garden of stone. Yeah.

I don't show. I don't share. I don't need, yeah, what you have to give. Yeah.

Ooh, I will walk with my hands bound. I will walk with my face blood.
I will walk with my shadow flag into your garden, garden. Oh.
I will walk with my hands bound. I will walk into your garden. Garden of stone.

I don't know. I don't care. I don't need you for me to live. Yeah, yeah.
Uh huh huh. (x8)

10) Deep
         Time: 4:18
         Vedder, Gossard, Ament


On the edge a windowsill. Ponders his maker ponders his will.
To the street below he just ain't nothing.
But he's got a great view and he sinks the needle deep. Yeah.
Whoa, can't touch the bottom.
In too deep, yeah. Uh-huh. Can't touch the bottom.

Ooh, on the edge of a know-nothing town. Feeling quite superior the age had come.
To the sky above he just ain't nothing.
But he's got a great view and he sinks the burning mask deep. Yeah.
Ooh, can't touch the bottom.
In too deep, yeah. Uh-huh. Can't touch the bottom. In too deep.
Ohh. Ohh.

On the edge of a Christmas clean love.
Young virgin down from heaven, ohh, visiting hell.
To the man above her she just ain't nothing.
And she doesn't like the view.
She doesn't like the view. (x2)
But he sinks himself deep. Oh, can't touch the bottom.
In too deep, yeah. Uh-huh. Can't touch the bottom. Can't touch the bottom.
Deep yeah.
Oh. Yeah the bottom. Yeah. Wo. (x5)

11) Release
         Time: 9:06
         Vedder, Gossard, Ament, McCready, Krusen

Oh... oh... oh...

I see the world. Feel the chill.
Which way to go? Windowsill.
I see the words on a rocking horse of time.
I see the verse in the rain.
Ohh. (x4)

Oh, dear dad can you see me now?
I am myself like you somehow.
I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
I'll hold the pain. Release me.
Ohh. Ohh I... Ohh. Ohh.

Oh, dear dad can you see me now?
I am myself like you somehow.
I'll wait up in the dark for you to speak to me.
How I've opened up. Release me.
Release me. Release me dad. Release me.
Ohh. Ohh I... Ohh. Ooh. Ooo.

12) Alive (live)
         Time: ?:??
         Vedder, Gossard

Son she said have I got a little story for you
What you thought was your daddy was nothin' but a
While you were sittin' home alone at age thirteen
Your real daddy was dyin' sorry you didn't see him but I'm glad we talked
Oh I oh I'm still alive
Hey I oh I'm still alive
Hey I oh I'm still alive
Hey ooh
Oh she walks slowly across a young man's room
She said I'm ready for you
Why I can't remember anything to this very day
'Cept the look the look
Oh you know where now I can't see I just stare
I I'm still alive
Hey I but I'm still alive
Hey I boy I'm still alive
Hey I oh I'm still alive Yeah
Ooh Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah oh ooh
Is something wrong she said of course there is
You're still alive she said oh and do I deserve to be
Is that the question and if so if so
Who answers who answers
I oh I'm still alive
Hey I oh I'm still alive
Hey I but I'm still alive
Yeah I ooh I'm still alive
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Woh uh huhu
Yeah uh huhu
Ohh woh uh huhu
Yeah uh huhu
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Ah woo woo ah

13) Wash
         Time: 3:34
         Vedder, Gossard, Ament, McCready, Krusen

Oh please let it rain today. This city's so filthy. Like my mind in ways.
Oh it was the time. Like a clean new taste.
Smiling eyes before me and tears from my face.

Wash my love. Wash my love. Wash my love, yeah.

Sin for sale. Buying just a need. Just who planted all the devils seeds?
And what's the truth? And the truth that lies at home.
It's on the inside and I can't get it off. Yeah.

Wash my love. Wash my love. Wash my love, yeah.

What's clean is pure. But hey, I'm white on the outside. Though I stray.
What she don't know today might kill us both tomorrow. Bring it back someday.
Bring it back, bring it back. Back to, to the clean form. To the pure form.

Wash my love. (x8)

14) Dirty Frank
         Time: 5:37
         Vedder, Gossard, Ament, Abbruzzese, McCready

Ragh woo eats meat eats meat hahaha look out

Dirty Frank Dahmer he's a gourmet cook, yeah.
I got a recipe for anglo-saxin soup, yeah.
Wanted a pass. So she relaxed. Now the little groupie's getting chopped up in the back.
I got a cupboard full of fleshy fresh ingredients
A very careful at the same time quite expedient.
Eats meat. A release.
Bus driving's harder on your head than on your feet.

Dirty frank. A Dirty frank yeah
A Dirty frank ooh
A Dirty frank yea oh
Keeps it clean. a keeps it copaseptic
A little boys and girls their heads are all collected.
A not crazy. a per se
Just a little strange when he gets hungry.
City state your town he will continue.
A stadiums tiny clubs every venue.
A his bus. a your trust.
There goes another turned into crust.
Dirty frank a Dirty Frank yeah. A Dirty frank. oh a Dirty Frank.
Yeah, oh, watch it! now
Why that dirty Frank was a bad mother... Shut your mouth! Hey man, I'm just talking about dirty Frank.

Oh wa-ha a yea cookoo there fucking crazy these kids are driving me crazy

Oh, middle of the night we're stopped the freeway shoulder.
A frank's shoveling to bury the leftovers.
A they're sunk. He's drunk.
Now he's gonna drive I'm hiding in my bunk. Oh.
The band all knows. We're too afraid to mention.
A Don't want to be part of Frank's luncheon.
A lose weight. A be safe. Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!

Dirty frank. A Dirty Frank, yeah.
A Dirty frank. Oh, a Dirty Frank, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dirty frank frank frank frank a Dirty frank yea
Dirty frank oh a dirty frank a yea yea yea

Wa yea a yea yea yea yea oh he's gone fruit loops it's the perfect job

Cook 'em just to see the look on their face. I cook 'em just to see the look on their face. (x10 total)

Mommy mommy I'll just sing mommy no no ahh Why

Why that dirty Frank was a bad mother... Shut your mouth! Hey man, I'm just talking about dirty Frank. Yeah.

Dirty Frank wow a Dirty Frank a dirty frank yeah

Why that dirty Frank was a bad mother... Shut your mouth! Hey man, I'm just talking about dirty Frank. Woo.

A Dirty Frank. Yeah, a dirty frank. (x2)
Dirty frank. (~x8)

Wo Ok I think that's enough

12) I've Got A Feeling
         Time: :
         Lennon, McCartney

I've got a feeling. A feeling deep inside oh yeah. Oh, yeah.
I've got a feeling. A feeling I can't hide oh no, no. Whoa, no.
Yeah. Yeah, I've got a feeling, yeah.

Oh please believe me. I'd hate to miss the train oh yeah. Oh, yeah. Haha.
Ooh, and if you leave me I won't be late again no no, no. Oh, no.
Yeah. I've got a feeling. Yeah whew ooh oh yeah.

And I don't understand how come nobody told me.
Why I'd want to sing like a Milli Vanilli?
All I ever wanted was someone who looked like you. You, oh.
I got a feeling that keeps me on my toes oh yeah yeah. Oh yeah.
Uh huh. I got a feeling. I think that everybody knows, oh yeah, yeah. Oh yeah.
Yeah, wow I got a feeling. Yeah, whoa.

Everybody had a good year though we never saw the sunshine.
Everybody had a wet dream. Making Temple was a good time.
Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

Everybody made a movie. Everybody had one line.
Everybody misses Andy. We'll be seeing him in no time.
Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

Ooh, yeah. I got a feeling, yeah. Oh.
I got a feeling. A feeling deep inside oh yeah yeah. Oh yeah.
Ooh, I got a feeling. A feeling I can't hide oh no no. Oh no.
Yeah, I got a feeling. yeah yeah ah ooh yeah.

01) Go
         Time: 3:13
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

Oh, please don't go out on me. Don't go on me now.
Never acted up before. Son't go on me now.
I swear I never took it for granted. Just thought of it now.
Suppose I abused you. Just passing it on.
Go, fuck.

Once fastened, servile, now your getting sharp.
Moving oh so swiftly with such disarm.
I pulled the covers over him shoulda' pulled the alarm.
Turned to my nemesis. A fool no fucking god.
No, time... Suck, my... Please...
Don't go on me. (x4)
Please... Nooh.

Suck, blood.... Touch, please... Tunnel vision. Tuck... Time.... See...
Please, please, please...
Don't go on me. (x4)
Please... Don't you want me? Don't go on me.
Please don't go on me.

02) Animal
         Time: 2:48
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

One, two, three, four, five against one.
Five, five, five against one.
Said one, two, three, four, five against one.
Five, five... Five, five... Five against...

Torture from you to me. Yeah. Ah.
Abducted from the street. Umm.

I'd rather be.
I'd rather be with.
I'd rather be with an animal. Oh. Rah.

Why would you wanna hurt me? Oh...
Ooh, so frightened of your pain. Yeah. Ooh.

I'd rather be.
I'd rather be with.
I'd rather be with an animal.
I'd rather be. (x2)
I'd rather be with an animal.

Woof. Five, five against one, said.

I'd rather be.
I'd rather be with.
I'd rather be with an animal.
I'd rather be. (x2)
I'd rather be with an animal.

Said one, two, three, four, five against one.
Five, five... Five, five... Five against, five against.
One, two, three, four, five against one.
Five, five... Five, five... Five against one, said.

03) Daughter
         Time: 3:54
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

(You guys ready)

Alone, listless. Breakfast table in an otherwise empty room.
Young girl, violence. Center of her own attention.
The mother reads aloud, child tries to understand it.
Tries to make her proud.
The shades go down. It's in her head.
Painted room. Can't deny there's something wrong.

Don't call me daughter. Not fit to.
The picture kept will remind me.
Don't call me daughter. Not fit to.
The picture kept will remind me.
Don't call me...

She holds the hand that holds her down.
She will rise above. Ooh... Oh.

Don't call me daughter. Not fit to.
The picture kept will remind me.
Don't call me daughter. Not fit to be.
The picture kept will remind me.
Don't call me daughter. Not fit to.
The picture kept will remind me.
Don't call me daughter. Not fit to be.
The picture kept will remind me.
Don't call me...
The shades go down. (x2)
The shades go... Go... Go...

04) Glorified G
         Time: 3:25
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

Yeah. (x4)
Got a gun. Fact I got two. That's Ok man 'cause I love god.
Glorified version of a pellet gun feels so manly when armed.

Glorified version of a pellet gun. (x4)

Don't think dumb is strength. Never shot at a living thing.
Glorified version of a pellet gun feels so manly when armed.

Glorified version of a pellet gun. (x3)
Glorified version of a...

Always keep it loaded. (x3)
Kindred to be an American.

Life comes... I can feel your heart.
Ooh, life comes... I can feel your heart in your neck.
Life comes... I can feel your heart in your neck.
Like some... I can steal your heart from your neck. Oh.
Glorified. (x2)

05) Dissident
         Time: 3:35
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

She nursed him there, ooh, over a night.
I wasn't so sure she wanted him to stay.
What to say? What to say?
But soon she was down. Soon he was low.
At a quarter past. A holy no.
She had to turn around.

When she couldn't hold, oh, she folded. A dissident is here.
Escape is never the safest path.
Oh, a dissidence. A dissident is here.

And to this day she's glided on.
Always home but so far away.
Like a word misplaced. Nothing said, what a waste.
But when she had contact with the conflict.
There was meaning but she sold him to the state.
She had to turn around.

When she couldn't hold she folded. A dissident is here.
Escape is never the safest path.
Oh, a dissidence. A dissident is here. Oh. Oh... Oh...

She gave him away when she couldn't hold. No, she folded.
A dissident is here.
Escape is never the safest path.
Oh, a dissident, a dissident is here.
Oh, couldn't hold on. She couldn't hold. No, she folded. A dissident is here.
Escape is never the safest place. Oh, A dissident is here.

06) W.M.A.
         Time: 5:59
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

He won the lottery when he was born.
Took his mothers white breast to his tongue.
Trained like dogs. Color and smell.
Walks by me to get to him.
Police man. (x2)
All my peaces. (x2)

He won the lottery by being born.
Big hand slapped the white male american.
Do no wrong. So clean cut.
Dirty his hands it comes right off.
Police man. (x2)

Police stopped my brother, again. (x3)
Police man. (x2)

Jesus greets me, looks just like me.

Do no wrong so clean cut.
Dirty his hands it comes right off.
Police man. (x3)
Police stopped my brother, again. (x3)
Police man. (x2)
Police stopped my brother, again. (x3)
Police man. (x3)
Hey now. Hey now. Hey now. (x5)
Hey. (x5)
Hey now. Hold on. Hold on. (x3)

All my pieces set me free. Human devices set me free.
All my pieces set me free. (x2)
Human devices set me free. (x2)
All my pieces set me free. (x2)
Human devices set me free. (x2)
Hey, hey, hey all (x3)

07) Blood
         Time: 2:49
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

Spin me round. Roll me over. Fucking circus.
Stab it down. One way needle. Pulled so slowly.
Drains and spills. Soaks the pages. Fills their sponges.

It's my blood. (x2)

Paint Ed big. Turn Ed into one of his enemies.

It's my blood. (x3)
Stab it down. Fill the pages. Suck my life out.
Maker of my enemies.
Take my... Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

08) Rearviewmirror
         Time: 4:43
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

I took a drive today. Time to emancipate.
I guess it was the beatings, made me wise.
But I'm not about to give thanks or apologize.

I couldn't breathe. Holding me down.
Hand on my face. Pushed to the ground.
Enmity gauged. United by fear.
Forced to endure what I could not forgive.

I seem to look away. The wounds in the mirror waved.
It wasn't my surface. Most defiled.

Head at your feet. Fool to your crown.
Fist on my plate. Swallowed it down.
Enmity gauged. United by fear.
Tried to endure what I could not forgive. Yeah.

Saw things... (x4) ...clearer. (x2)
Oh, once you were in my Rearviewmirror.
I gathered speed from you fucking with me.
Once and for all I'm far away.
Hard to believe. Finally the shades are raised. Hey, yea.
Saw things so much clearer once you, once you... Rearviewmirror.
Saw things so much clearer once you, once you... Rearviewmirror.
Saw things so much clearer once you, once you... Rearviewmirror.
Saw things so much clearer once you... Oh yeah.

09) Rats
         Time: 4:14
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

(1, 2, 1, 2, 3).

Uh they don't eat. Don't sleep.
They don't feed they don't seethe.
Bare their gums when they moan and squeak.
Lick the dirt off a larger one's feet.
They don't push. Don't crowd.
Congregate until they're much too loud.
Fuck to procreate till they are dead.
Drink the blood of their so called best friend.

They don't scurry when something bigger comes their way.
Don't pack themselves together and run as one.
Don't shit where they're not supposed to.
Don't take what's not theirs. They don't compare.

They don't scam. Don't fight.
Don't oppress an equals given rights.
Starve the poor so they can be well fed.
Line their holes with the dead ones bread.

They don't scurry when something bigger comes their way.
Don't pack themselves together and run as one.
Don't shit where they're not supposed to.
Don't take what's not theirs. They don't compare.

They don't scurry when something bigger comes their way.
Don't pack themselves together and run as one.
Don't shit where they're not supposed to.
Don't take what's not theirs. They don't compare.
Rats. They don't compare. (x2)

Ben the two of us need look no more. Yeah. (x3)
Ben the two of us need look no more, more, more. Yeah.
Ben the two of us need look no more. Yeah. (x2)

10) Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
         Time: 3:15
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

I seem to recognize your face.
Haunting familiar, yet I can't seem to place it.
Cannot find the candle of thought to light your name.
Lifetimes are catching up with me.
All these changes taking place.
I wish I'd seen the place but no one's ever taken me.

Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away. (x2)

I swear I recognize your breath.
Memories, like fingerprints, are slowly raising.
Me you wouldn't recall for I'm not my former.
It's hard when your stuck upon the shelf.
I changed by not changing at all.
Small town predicts my fate.
Perhaps that's what no one wants to see.
I just want to scream, "Hello."
My god its been so long. Never dreamed you'd return.
But now here you are and here I am.
Hearts and thoughts they fade away.

Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away. (x2)
Hearts and thoughts they fade away. Yeah.
Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away. (x3)
Hearts and thoughts they fade...

11) Leash
         Time: 3:08
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

Troubled souls unite. We got ourselves tonight. Oh.
I am fuel, you are friends. We got the means to make amends.
I am lost. I'm no guide but I'm by your side.
I am right by your side. Yeah.

Young lover I stand. It was their idea. I proved to be a man.
Take my fucking hand. It was their idea. I proved to be a man.

Will myself to find a home. A home within myself.
We will find a way. We will find our place.

Drop the leash. Drop the leash. Get outta' my fucking face.
Drop the leash. Drop the leash. Get outta' my fucking face.
Drop the leash. Drop the leash. Get outta' my fucking face.
Drop the leash. Drop the leash.
Drop the leash we are young. (x2)
Oh, get outta' my fucking face.
Drop the leash. Drop the leash.
Get outta' my, (drop the leash) my... (drop the leash)
Delight, delight, delight in our youth. Owww.
Get outta' my fucking face. Oww.

12) Indifference
         Time: 5:02
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

I will light the match this morning so I won't be alone.
Watch as she lies silent for soon that will be gone.
Oh, I will stand arms outstretched. Pretend I'm free to roam.
Oh, I will make my way through one more day in hell.

How much difference does it make? (x2)

I will hold the candle till it burns up my arm.
Oh, I'll keep taking punches until their will grows tired.
Oh, I will stare the sun down until my eyes go blind.
Hey, I won't change direction and I won't change my mind.

How much difference does it make?
Mmm, how much difference does it make?
How much difference...

I'll swallow poison until I grow immune.
I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room.

How much difference... (x2)
How much difference does it make? (x2)
Ooh... Ooh... Ooh...

01) Last Exit
         Time: 2:54
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

Lives opened and trashed. Look ma, watch me crash.
No time to question why'd nothing last.
Grasp and hold on we're dying fast.
Soon be over and I will relent.

Let the ocean swell dissolve way my past.
Three days and maybe longer. Won't even know I've left.

Under your tongue I'm like a tab.
I will give you what you're not supposed to have.
Under my breath I swear by sin.
For better or for worse, a best we began.

Let the sun climb, burn way my mask.
Three days and maybe longer. Shed my skin at last.

Let the sun shine burn way my mask.
Three days and maybe longer. Won't ever find me here.

Let the ocean dissolve way my past.
Four days and not much longer.
Let my spirit pass.
This is my last exit.

02) Spin The Black Circle
         Time: 2:47
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

See this needle. A-see my hand.
Drop, drop, dropping it down oh so gently.
Well here it comes. I touch the plane.
Turn me up, won't turn you away.

Spin the black circle.

Pull it out. A-paper sleeve.
Oh my joy. Only you deserve conceit.
I'm so big. A-my whole world.
I'd rather you, rather you than her.

Spin the black circle.

You're so warm. The ritual when I lay down your crooked arm.

Spin the black circle.

03) Not For You
         Time: 3:51
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

Restless soul, enjoy your youth.
Like Muhammad. Hits the truth.
Can't escape from the common rule - if you hate something don't you do it too.

Small my table. A-sits just two.
Got so crowded. I can't make room.
Oh where did they come from? Stormed my room.
And you dare say it belongs to you. To you.

This is not for you.

My friends call me Ed, they call me.
My friends they don't scream.
My friends don't call. My friends don't.

All that's sacred comes from youth.
Dedication. Naive and true.
With no power. Nothing to do.
I still remember. Why don't you? Don't you?

This is not for you.
Never was for you. Fuck you.
This is not for you.

04) Tremor Christ
         Time: 4:10
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

Winded is the sailor drifting by the storm.
Wounded is the organ he left all bloodied on the shore.
Gorgeous was his savior, sees her, drowning in his wake.
A-daily taste the salt of her tears but, a chance blamed fate.

Little secrets, tremors, turned to quake.
The smallest oceans still get big big waves.

Ransom paid the devil. He whispers pleasing words.
Triumphant are the angels if they can get there first.

Little secrets, tremors, turned to quake.
The smallest oceans still get big big waves.

I'll decide. Take the dive. Take my time. Not my life.
Wait for signs. Believe in lies to get by. It's divine.
You know what it's like.

Turns the bow back tows and drops the line.
Puts his faith and love in tremor christ.

05) Nothingman
         Time: 4:33
         Ament, Vedder

Once divided. Nothing left to subtract.
Some words when spoken can't be taken back.
Walks on his own with thoughts he can't help thinking.
Future's above, but in the past he's slow and sinking.
Caught a bolt of lightning. Cursed the day he let it go.

Isn't it something, nothingman.

She once believed in every story he had to tell.
One day she stiffened. Took the other side.
Empty stares from each corner of a shared prison cell.
One just escapes. One's left inside the well.
And he who forgets will be destined to remember.

Isn't it something, nothingman.

She don't want him (she don't want him).
She won't feed him after he's flown away.
Into the sun.
Burn, burn, burn.
Isn't it something, nothingman.
Coulda' been something, nothingman.

06) Whipping
         Time: 2:33
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

Don't need a helmet, got a hard hard head.
Don't need a raincoat, I'm already wet.
Don't need a bandage, there's too much blood.
After a while seems to roll right off.

They're whipping.

Don't need a hand, there's always arms attached.
Don't get behind I can't fall back.
Why must we trust all these rusted rails?
They don't want no change. We already have.

They're whipping.

Don't mean to push but I'm being shoved.
I'm just like you think we've had enough.
I can't believe a thing they want us to.
We all got scars they should have them too.

They're whipping.

07) Pry, To
         Time: 1:00
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

P-r-i-v-a-c-y is priceless to me.

08) Corduroy
         Time: 4:37
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

The waiting drove me mad. You're finally here and I'm a mess.
I take your entrance back. Can't let you roam inside my head.

I don't want to take what you can give.
I would rather starve than eat your bread.
I would rather run but I can't walk.
Guess I lie alone just like before.

I'll take the firmest path. Oh, and I must refuse your test.
A-push me and I will resist. This behavior's not unique.

I don't want to hear from those who know.
They can buy but can't put on my clothes.
I don't want to wait for them to walk.
Never would have known of me before.

I don't want to be held in your debt.
I'll pay it off in blood let I be wed.
I'm already cut up and half dead.
I'll end up alone like I began.

Everything has chains. Absolutely nothing's changed.
"Take my hand, not my picture." Spelled my T-shirt.

I don't want to take what you can give.
I would rather starve than eat your breast.
All the things that others want for me.
Can't buy what I want because it's free.
Can't be what you want because I...

Why ain't it susposed to be just fun?
To live and die let it be done.
I figure I'll be damned. All alone like I began.

It's your move now. I thought you were a friend but I guess, I... I guess I hate you.

09) Bugs
         Time: 2:44
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

I got bugs. I got bugs in my room.
Bugs in my bed. Bugs in my ears.
Their eggs in my head.
Bugs in my pockets. Bugs in my shoes.
Bugs in the way I feel about you.
Bugs on my window trying to get in.
They don't go nowhere. Waiting, waiting...
Bugs on my ceiling. Crowded the floor.
Standing, sitting, kneeling. A few block the door.
And now the questions...
Do I kill them? Become their friend?
Do I eat them? Raw or well done?
Do I trick them? I don't think they're that dumb.
Do I join them? Looks like that's the one.
I got bugs on my skin. Tickle my nausea.
I let it happen again. They're always taking over.
I see they surround me I see, see them deciding my fate.
Oh, that which was once, was once up to me. Now it's too late.
I got bugs in my room. One on one.
That's when I had a chance.
I'll just stop now. I'll become naked and with them I'll become one.

10) Satan's Bed
         Time: 3:25
         Gossard, Vedder

It's not all been said, been said and done.
I've never slept in Satan's bed.
Although, I must admit, still visits my place.
Uninvited, as you know he don't wait.
Funny how he always seems to fit in.
Funny how I always want to give in.
Sundays, Fridays, Tuesdays, Thursdays the same.
Sometimes this special guest he don't like to leave.

Already in love.

Who made, who made up, made up the myth that we were born to be covered in bliss?
Who set the standard? Born to be rich.
Such fine examples, skinny little bitch.
Model, role model. Roll some models in blood.
Get some flesh to stick so they look like us.
I shit and I stink. I'm real join the club.
I'd stop and talk but I'm already in love.

Already in love.

Torture follows reward, follows torture, follows reward. Oh my word.

Never shook Satan's hand. Look, see for yourself.
You'd know it if I had that shit don't come off.
I'll rise and fall, let me take credit for both.
Jump off a cliff don't need your help so back off.
I'll never suck Satan's dick.
Again you'd see it, you know, right round the lips.
I'll wait for an angel but I won't hold my breath.
Imagine they're busy. Think I'm doing okay.

Already in love.

11) Better Man
         Time: 4:27

Waiting, watching the clock. It's four o'clock.
It's got to stop. Tell him. Take no more.
She practices her speech as he opens the door, she rolls over.
Pretends to sleep as he looks her over.

She lies and says she's in love with him. Can't find a better man.
She dreams in color, she dreams in red. Can't find a better man.
Can't find a better man.

Talking to herself, "There's no one else who needs to know," she tells herself.
Memories back when she was smooth and strong and waiting for the world to come along.
Swears she knew him now she swears he's gone.

She lies and says she's in love with him. Can't find a better man.
She dreams in color, she dreams in red. Can't find a better man.
She lies and says she still loves him. Can't find a better man.
She dreams in color, she dreams in red. Can't find a better man.
Can't find a better man.

She loved him, yeah. She don't want to leave this way.
She feeds him, yeah. That's why she'll be back again.
Can't find a better man.

12) Aye Davanita
         Time: 2:56
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

Awooha... Aye davanita. Awooha... Awooha...

13) Immortality
         Time: 5:17
         Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

Vacate, is the word.
Vengeance has no place so near to her.
Cannot find the comfort in this world.
Artificial tear. Vessel stabbed, next up, volunteers?
Vulnerable. Wisdom can't adhere.

A truant finds home, and a wish to hold on but there's a trapdoor in the sun.

As privileged as a whore.
Victims in demand for public show.
Swept out through the cracks beneath the door.
Holier than thou. How? Surrendered, executed, anyhow.
Scrawl dissolved. Cigar box on the floor.

A truant finds home, and I wish to hold on too, but saw the trapdoor in the sun.

I cannot stop the thought of running in the dark.
Coming up a which way sign.
All good truants must decide.
Oh, stripped and sold mom.
An auctioned forearm and whiskers in the sink.
Truants move on, cannot stay long.
Some die just to live.

14) Stupid Mop
         Time: 7:43
         Ament, Gossard, Irons, McCready, Vedder

Don't you want people to love you
My spanking that's the only thing I want so much
Spanking that's the only thing I want so much
That's the only thing I want so much
Don't you want people to love you
My spanking that's the only thing I want so much
That's the only thing I want so much
Why is that better than being hugged
Why is that better than being hugged
Because you get closer to the person
Closer to the person
Why is that better than being hugged
Because you get closer to the person
Closer to the person
Just like a person having sex feels cared for
We wanna be loved so we have sex together
And they feel loved about that
And this is the way it makes me feel loved
I want it I dream about it I think about it I want it
Just like a girl wants sex with a boy you know
It's the way I'll always be probably
My last one was born in the system
See they're stupid very stupid those people over there
They're stupid
These people are so below mentality honest to God really
You know what I mean he got the nerve to bug me (x2)
This mentality honest to God really
You know what I mean he got the nerve to bug me
Honest to God really
You know what I mean he got the nerve to bug me
Bug me bug me he got the nerve to bug me
Everything seems so eight ball (x2)
And I I don't know if that's my imagination but umm
Hey foxymophandlemama that's me
And I don't know if that's my imagination but umm
Hey foxymophandlemama that's me (x2)
Think they got me
Hey foxymophandlemama that's me hmm
Hey foxymophandlemama that's me
Know if that's my imagination but umm
Hey foxymophandlemama that's me
She prides herself on her cleaning habits (x2)
Hey foxymophandlemama that's me
She prides herself on her cleaning habits (x2)
It's a lovely stupid mop it is
There's something really screwey about no streaking
Is it any old dumb mop It streaks
Come on mop no streaking mop
I don't mind mop the floor my mop streaks I don't like it
It's not me it's the mop
Come I bought some new mops
Go away you stupid dumb old sponge mop
I don't believe it now the floor looks beautiful (x2)
I don't believe it old sponge mop
Dumb old sponge mop (x2)
Old sponge mop dumb old sponge mop
You're right this mop's stupid
Dumb old sponge mop
I don't believe it now the floor looks beautiful
That's why they call me mophandlemama
Now the floor looks beautiful
That's why they call me mophandlemama (x3)
In two weeks before she could see herself not dressed
The twenty-third of May you know she disturbed no one today
The manager told her to completely forget
If you ever go to bed I'll kill you
Do I tell the whole world that I'm mentally ill
Go to the papers yeah why not
Drum roll
I want to show them that I can walk on my own without hands of theirs
And I can still fantasize but I keep it to myself
Keep it to myself keep it to myself
I think I deserve to be loved don't you
Very much so
Think I deserve to be loved
Keep it to myself keep it to myself
I think I deserve to be loved don't you
To be loved don't you
But I keep it to myself
Keep it to myself keep it to myself
I think I deserve to be loved don't you
And I can still fantasize but I keep it to myself
Keep it to myselfkeep it to myself
I think I deserve to be loved don't you
Very much so
Do you ever think that you would actually really kill yourself
Well if I have thought about it real uhh real deep
Yeas I believe I would
I have thought about it real uhh real deep
Yes I believe I would
And I can still fantasize but I keep it to myself
Keep it to myself keep it to myself
That I can walk without hands of theirs
And I can still fantasize but I keep it to myself
Keep it to myself keep it to myself
I think I deserve to be loved don't you
Very much so
Do you ever think that you actually would kill yourself
Well if I have thought about it real uhh real deep
Yeas I believe I would

01) Sometimes
         Time: 2:40

Large fingers pushing paint.
You're god and you've got big hands.
Colors blend. The challenges you give man.
Seek my part, devote myself.
My small self. Like a book amongst the many on a shelf.

Sometimes I know, sometimes I rise.
Sometimes I fall, sometimes I don't.
Sometimes I cringe, sometimes I live.
Sometimes I walk, sometimes I kneel.
Sometimes I speak of nothing at all.
Sometimes I reach to myself, dear god.

02) Hail, Hail
         Time: 3:41
         Gossard, Vedder, Ament, McCready

Ah, is there room for both of us? Both of us apart?
Are we bound out of obligation? Is that all we've got?
I get the words and then I get to thinking.
I don't want to think, I want to feel.
And how do I feel? And how do I...

If you're the only one will I never be enough? Yeah.
Hail hail the lucky ones. I refer to those in love. Yeah.

Oh, how I'll love you til the day I die and beyond.
Are we going to the same place? If so can I come?
It's egg rolling thick and heavy. All the past you carry.
Oh, I could be new. You underestimate me.

If you're the only one will I never be enough? Yeah.
Hail hail the lucky ones. I refer to those in love. Yeah.

I sometimes realize I could only be as good as you'll let me.
Are you woman enough to be my man? Bandaged hand in hand.

I find it on the run in a race that can't be won. Yeah.
All hail the lucky ones. I refer to those in love. Yeah.
If you're my only one, so could you only one?
I want to be your one. Enough! You won no one. You're one.

03) Who You Are
         Time: 3:48
         Gossard, Irons, Vedder

Come to send. Not condescend.
Transcendent to consequences.
To transcend where we are.
Who are we? Who we are.

Trampled marks on your souls.
Changes, all you're a part.
Seen it all. Not at all.
Can't defend fucked up men.
Take me for a ride before we leave.

Circumstance. Clapping hands.
A driving winds. Happenstance.
Off the track, in the mud.
That's the marks before mentioned words.

And a little... Wow... And a little...

Just a little time before we leave.
Stop light plays its part so I would say you've got a part.
What's your part? Who you are.
You are who who you are.

04) In My Tree
         Time: 3:59
         Irons, Gossard, Vedder

Up here in my tree. Yeah.
Newspapers matter not to me. Yeah.
No, no more crowbars to my head. Yeah.
I'm trading stories with the leaves instead. Yeah.

I wave to all my friends. Yeah.
They don't seem to notice me. No.
Ah, their eyes strait on the street. Yo! Oh...
Sidewalks cigarettes and seams. Yeah. Yeah...

Up here so high I start to shake.
Up here so high the sky I scrape.
I'm so high I hold just one breath deep within my chest just like innocence.

(Eddie's down in his home)
(Oh, the blue sky it's his home)
(Eddie's blue sky home)
(Oh, the blue sky it's his home)

I remember when, yeah, I swore I knew everything. Oh, yeah.
They say knowledge is a tree. Yeah.
It's growing up just like me. Yeah.

I'm so light the wind me shakes.
I'm so high the sky I scrape.
Yea, I'm so high I hold just one breath, to go back to my nest, to sleep with innocence.

Up here so high the boughs they break.
Up here so high the sky I scrape.
And my eyes feel both wide open.
And I got a glimpse of my inner sense.
Got back my innocence. Still got it. Still got it.

05) Smile
         Time: 3:52
         Ament, Vedder

Don't it make you smile? (x2)
When the sun don't shine, (it don't shine at all.)
Don't it make you smile?

Don't it make you smile?
Don't it make me smile? Yeah.
When the sun don't shine, it don't shine at all. Yeah.
Don't it make me smile?

I miss you already. I miss you always.
I miss you already, yeah. I miss you all day.
This is how I feel.

I miss you already, yeah. I miss you always.
Three crooked hearts. Swirls all around, yeah.
I miss you all day.

Don't it make you smile? (x2)
Three crooked hearts. Swirls all around.
Don't it make you smile?

06) Off He Goes
         Time: 5:58

1, 2, 1, 2...
Know a man. His face seemed pulled and tense.
Like he's riding on a motorbike in the strongest winds.
So I approach with tact.
Suggest that he should relax, but he's always moving much too fast.

Said he'll see me on the flipside of this trip he's taking for a ride.
He's been taking too much on.
There he goes with his perfectly unkept clothes.
There he goes.

He's yet to come back but I see his picture.
It doesn't look the same up on the rack.
We go way back.

I wonder about his insides.
It's like his thoughts are too big for his size.
He's been taken, where I don't know.
Off he goes with his perfectly unkept hope.
There he goes.

And now I rub my eyes for he has returned.
Seems my preconceptions are what should have been burned.
For he still smiles. And he's still strong.
Nothing's changed but the surrounding bullshit. That has grown.
And now he's home and we're laughing like we always did my same old, same old friend.
Until a quarter to ten. I saw the strain creep in.
He seems distracted and I know just what is going to happen next.
Before his first step he is off again.

07) Habit
         Time: 3:35

See it happen to a couple of friends.
Seen it happen and the message it sends.
Takeing off for what's an obvious fall.
Just to see what all the fuss is about.

It's not your way.
Not your way.
It's not your way.

Another habit says it's in love with you.
Another habit says it's long overdue.
Another habit like an unwanted friend.
I'm so happy with my righteous self.

It's not your way.
Not your way.
It's not your way.

Never thought you'd habit. (x3)
I never thought you... Never thought you.
Never thought you'd habit. (x3)
I never thought you... Never never thought you.

Never thought you'd habit. (x6)
Speaking as a child of the 90's...

Never thought you'd habit. (x3)
I never thought you... Never thought you.
Never thought you'd habit. (x3)
I never thought you... Never never thought you.

Never... Never me. Never you. Never me.

08) Red Mosquito
         Time: 4:03
         Pearl Jam, Vedder

(Line one, mighty fine.)

Watched from the window with a red mosquito.
I was not allowed to leave the room.
I saw the sun go down and now it's coming up.
Somewhere in the time between I was bitten.
Must have been the devil.
He was just paying me a little visit.
Reminding me of his presence.
Letting me know he's a-waiting. Ohh...

Red man's your neighbor. Call it behavior.
While you're climbing up slippery hills.
Two steps ahead of him. Punctures in your neck.
Hovering just above your bed. (x2)

I was bitten must have been the devil.
He was just paying me a little visit.
Reminding me of his presence.
And letting me know he's a-waiting.
He's a-waiting ohh there. Yeah.

If I had known then what I know now... (x4)

09) Lukin
         Time: 1:02

Drive down the street can't find the keys to my own fucking home.
I'll take a walk so I could curse my ass for being dumb.
I'll make a right, after the arches, stinking grease and bone.
Stopped at the supermarket people stare like I'm a dog.

I'm going to Lukin's.
I've got a spot at Lukin's.
I knocked the door at Lukin's.
Open the fridge. Now I know life is worth.

I found the key but I return to find an open door.
Some fucking freak who claims I fathered, by rape, her own son.
I find my wife, I call the cops, this days work's never done.
The last I heard that freak was purchasing a fucking gun.

10) Present Tense
         Time: 5:46
         McCready, Vedder

Do you see the way that tree bends? Does it inspire>
Leaning out to catch the sun's rays. A lesson to be applied.
Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?

You can spend your time alone redigesting past regrets, ohh, or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can forgive yourself. Oh.
Makes much more sense to live in the present tense.

Have you ideas on how this life ends?
Checked your hands and studied the lines.
Have you the belief that the road ahead ascends off into the light?
Seems that needlessly it's getting harder to find an approach and a way to live.
Are we getting something out of this all encompassing trip.

You can spend your time alone redigesting past regrets, ohh, or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who cannot forgive yourself. Oh, ohh.
Makes more sense to live in the present tense.

11) Mankind
         Time: 3:28

You'll be going out with radio, going out with disco, going out like bacchanal.
I'll be going out with telephone, going out alone, to the radar zone.

It's all just inadvertent imitation. And I don't mean mine.
It's all across this nation.
If it's just inadvertent simulation. A pattern in all mankind.
What's got the whole world faking it?

I'll be playing with my magazine, using up my Listerine, like Ovaltine.
And you'll be dipping in your battleship, for the latest tip, for the latest dream.

It's all just inadvertent imitation. And I don't mean mine.
It's all across this nation.
If it's just inadvertent simulation. A pattern in all mankind.
What's got the whole world faking it?
If it's just inadvertent imitation. A pattern in all mankind.
What's got the whole world faking it?
What's got the whole world faking... (x4)
What's got the whole world faking it? Yeah.

12) I'm Open
         Time: 2:53
         Irons, Vedder

A man lies in his bed in a room with no door.
He waits hoping for a presence, something, anything, to enter.
After spending half his life searching he still felt as blank as the ceiling at which he's staring.
He's alive but feels absolutely nothing. So is he?
When he was six he believed that the moon overhead followed him, by nine he had deciphered the illusion trading magic for fact.
No tradebacks.
So this is what it's like to be an adult.
If he only knew now what he knew then...

I'm open, (x2)
Come in. (x4)

I'm open, (x2)
Yeah... Woo...
Come in. (x4)

Lying sideways atop crumpled sheets and no covers he decides to dream.
Dream up a new self for himself.

13) Around The Bend
         Time: 4:35

I'm wishing you all well.
Mind a peace within your cell.
Covers up I cast you off.
I'll be watching as you breathe.
I lie still, you move, I send you off around the bend.

I hold your head deep in my arms.
My fingertips they close your eyes.
Off you dream my little child.
There's a sun around the bend. (x2)

All evenings close like this.
All these moments that I've missed.
Please forgive me, won't you dear?
Please forgive and let me share with you around the bend.

You're an angel when you sleep.
How I want your soul to keep on, and on, around the bend.

01) Brain of J
         Time: 2:59
         Vedder, McCready

Who's got the brain of JFK?
What's it mean to us now?
Pause, it sounds distrust.
But I can tell you this is no lie. Yeah.

The whole world will be different soon.
The whole world will be relieved.

You? You've been taught, whipped into shape, now they got you in line.
Stand behind the stripes. That was the order so give up your mind.

The whole world will be different soon.
The whole world will be relieved.

And by name, the name they gave me, the name I'm letting go.

The whole world will be different soon.
The whole world will be relieved.

02) Faithfull
         Time: 4:18
         Vedder, McCready

Plaque on the wall says that, "No one's slept here."
It's rare to come appon a bridge that has not been around, or been stepped on.
Whatever the notion we lace in our prayers, the man upstairs is used to all of this noise.
I'm through with screaming.

It echoes. Nobody hears, it goes, it goes, it goes.
Like echoes. Nobody hears, it goes, it goes, it goes, like this.

We're faithfull. We all believe, we all believe it.

Echoes. Nobody hears, it goes, it goes, it goes.

We're faithfull. We all believe we all believe it.

M-Y-T-H is belief in the game.
Controls that keeps us in our box of fear.
We never listen. Voice inside so drowned out. Drowned...
You are, you are, you are everything.
And everything is you. Me you, you me, it's all related.
What's a boy to do?
Just be a darling and I will be too, faithfull to you.

03) No Way
         Time: 4:19

There's a token of my openness.
Of my need to not disappear.
How I'm feeling, so revealing to me.
I found my mind too clear.
I just need someone to be there for me.
I just want someone to be there for me.

All the static in my attic-a.
Shoots down my side nerve.
To the ocean of my platitudes, longitudes, latitudes.
It's so absurd.
I just need someone to be there for...
I just want someone to be there for...
Someone to be there for...

Cause I'll stop trying to make a difference.
I'm not trying to make a difference.
I'll stop trying to make a difference. No way.

Ooh, let's

Le Duc

Tu sais tyler quand je fais défiler le texte de vento ci dessu (bien entendu sans le lire) et bein je sais pas pourquoi,
mais c'est toujours moin chiant que de faire défiler un de tes textes .. c'est peut etre psychologique mais je trouve que tes soporifique comme mec toi (attention c'est pas forcément un défaud)
"Celui qui se transforme en bête se délivre de la douleur d'être un homme."


la question est : est-ce que tyler défonce autant qu'un stilnox ?

(je ne me pose aucune question sur son pouvoir soporifique)
..Va voir Dans Ton Cul™ si j'y suis (connard).


l'autre question est : est-ce que tu as lu le texte de Palahniuk ?
Trafiquant d'organes


je viens de le faire.

Dorénavant, quand j'aurai piscine, je ferai plus attention  mais va te faire foutre
..Va voir Dans Ton Cul™ si j'y suis (connard).